How to Develop A Successful Ecommerce Website? [2023 Guide]

by | May 8, 2023 | ecommerce, web design | 0 comments

Research reveals that global ecommerce sales increased by $244.2 billion in 2020 during COVID. Surely, the pandemic significantly impacted people’s buying behavior as many people converted to online shopping. With more and more retailers shifting towards online businesses, there are now over 26 million ecommerce websites in the market.

The competition is at an all-time high in the ecommerce industry, and newcomers don’t stand a chance unless they have a good strategy. In this article, we’ll discover the process of developing a successful ecommerce website, its budgetary requirements, and some interesting facts about ecommerce.

Why Should You Develop an Ecommerce Site?

Most businesses today thrive with the support of online stores. Developing your own Ecommerce Website is a step in that direction, as it makes your products and services prominent online and reveals your unique selling style.

Customers are fond of online shopping because they can purchase things from the comfort of their homes at any time of day using an ecommerce site, which provides a more convenient and streamlined purchasing experience.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty may improve as a result. Creating an ecommerce site also allows businesses to gather valuable information about their customers and their purchasing habits, which can be used to improve marketing strategies and product offerings.

Read about the 15 Unique Problems With Ecommerce Websites.

How to Develop an Ecommerce Website?

Jumping into the main topic of our discussion, “How to develop an ecommerce website?“. Developing a great ecommerce website isn’t difficult if you have hired excellent developers. But you should know how things work whether you are developing a website yourself or taking external help. Here is a 7-step process to develop a successful e-commerce website:

  • List Your Business Goals
  • Understand Your Audience
  • Consider Ecommerce Development Options
  • Select a Theme and Website Design Template
  • List Your Products
  • Add Payment and Shipping Options
  • Test and QA before launch

1. List Your Business Goals

It is important to define your business goals before beginning the development process. It assists you in determining the purpose and direction of your website. It is the foundation for all your business decisions, from website design and layout to your products and marketing methods.

Determine your target population, product specialty, brand image, and marketing plan. Outline your goals for your ecommerce website, such as growing sales, raising brand awareness, increasing client loyalty, or expanding your business reach.

2. Understand Your Audience

If you are still unaware of the importance of understanding your target customers in 2023, then forget that your business can thrive. To create a successful ecommerce website, you must first identify how your target demographic behaves and what they want. Investigate your target audience’s demographics, interests, preferences, and online behavior. This knowledge will assist you in developing a user-friendly and engaging website that speaks to the requirements and desires of your clients.

Ecommerce Website

3. Consider Ecommerce Development Options

There are various alternatives for ecommerce development, including constructing a website from scratch, utilizing a website builder, or using an ecommerce platform. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each choice and select the one that best meets your company’s needs, budget, and technical skills.

4. Select a Theme and Website Design Template

Choosing a theme and website design template is critical in creating an ecommerce website. A theme or template is the foundation for your website’s visual style. Color schemes, typography, layout, and images are examples of design aspects. It is critical to select a theme or template compatible with your business image and target audience to develop a visually beautiful and user-friendly website.

A well-designed theme or template can aid in the establishment of your brand identity, increase user engagement, and improve user experience. You can choose from numerous pre-made themes available on many website-building platforms. It can save you time and money by supplying pre-built design pieces that can be tailored to your individual requirements.

5. List Your Products

Create a product database with complete descriptions, photos, and pricing by categorizing your products. Make sure your products are easy to find and navigate on your website. Use high-quality photos and meaningful product titles to make your products stand out and appeal to your target audience.

Ecommerce Website

6. Add Payment and Shipping Options

Payment and delivery options for your ecommerce website must be secure and dependable. Integrate several payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, or Square, to provide your consumers with various payment alternatives. To keep customers informed and delighted with their purchase, provide transparent shipping charges, arrival estimates, and tracking information.

Learn about the 15 best payment gateways for online business.

Ecommerce Website

7. Test and QA Before Launch

Before launching your ecommerce website, it’s important to test extensively and QA it to guarantee that everything works properly. Test the functioning of your website, such as the checkout process, payment processing, and shipping, on various devices and browsers. Make sure your website is safe, easy to use, and responsive. To maintain a consistent customer experience, resolve any issues that arise during testing.

Following these steps will allow you to create a successful ecommerce website that fits your business objectives while providing a great customer experience.

How Much Cost Is Required to Develop an Ecommerce Website?

If you’re considering creating an eCommerce website, you must be worrying about how much it would cost. It is determined by a number of criteria, including the size of your eCommerce business, the type of eCommerce platform you select, and the functionality you demand. One way of doing it is just hiring a digital products agency to handle everything. But still, there are many things to consider, whether you are creating it yourself or outsourcing the process.

Things that Are Considered in Costing

The size of your eCommerce business will have a big impact on the cost of your website. For example, a small eCommerce firm with limited products and minimal features will be less expensive than a huge eCommerce business with hundreds of products and complicated features.

Second, the kind of eCommerce platform you select will impact the development cost. Numerous eCommerce platforms are available, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Shopify, for example, is a hosted eCommerce platform that offers a one-stop solution for creating an eCommerce website, making it an excellent alternative for small enterprises. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is an open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress, making it an excellent solution for businesses with an existing WordPress website.

Finally, the features you require for your eCommerce website will influence the price. Basic functionality such as a shopping cart and payment gateway is required, but extra features like inventory management, product ratings, and personalized suggestions will raise the price. For an average-sized eCommerce company, the cost of whole customized website development could range from $1500 to $6000.

Ecommerce Website

10 Interesting Ecommerce Statistics

Still skeptical about whether launching an ecommerce store will work out for you? Here are 10 of the most interesting statistics in 2023 that will blow up your mind:

  1. Smartphones account for approx 87.2% of m-commerce sales.
  2. Only about 1.62% of ecommerce website visits result in a purchase.
  3. Mobile ecommerce sales are expected to grow by over $511.8 billion in 2023. (Statista)
  4. After only two bad customer experiences, 76% of people will cease purchasing online from a company.
  5. In a 2021 Survey of Gen Z, social media advertisements influenced the shopping decisions of 35% of respondents.
  6. According to a global survey, 56% of in-store customers used their smartphones to shop or research things in a store.
  7. In research conducted by Dixia, it was revealed that 93% of customers look at online reviews before making a purchase.
  8. Research revealed that 49.4% of people prefer to shop online because of free delivery, which is the number one reason.
  9. The most common reason behind customers abandoning their cart is due to high extra costs that are calculated at checkout.
  10. According to a report by Adobe Analytics, $9 billion in sales were recorded on Black Friday in 2022, with online sales totaling $9.12 billion.
Ecommerce Website

Final Thoughts

An ecommerce website has become very common nowadays but the matter is to stand out from the crown. You can’t just develop a mediocre eCommerce website and expect tremendous growth in business. You have to consider the market trends, customer demands, and technical challenges before launching an ecommerce store.

And it’s a game of continuous effort to thrive in the highly crowded ecommerce industry. You should always have a differentiating factor in your products and an easy-to-use interface. Hopefully! This blog helped you as a guide in developing a successful ecommerce website.


What Are Some Best Platforms for Ecommerce Websites?

Some of the top and most popular platforms to set up an ecommerce website are:
1- WordPress
2- Shopify
3- WooCommerce
4- Wix
5- Weebly

What Are Some Challenges of Ecommerce Development?

Here are some challenges you might face while developing an ecommerce website:
1- Finding the appropriate ecommerce platform that suits your business needs.
2- Creating a user-friendly and visually appealing website.
3- Developing a secure payment gateway for online transactions.
4- Creating an effective supply chain management system.
5- Developing an efficient marketing strategy.

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